About CLIL / TBL

Developing the handbook
September 22, 2019
Personal statement on language learning
October 12, 2019

The WeR1 project is a transnational strategic partnership, funded by the European Commission, which aims to produce materials and guidance for professionals involved in educating and integrating newly arrived people. 

The WeR1 educational materials place equal emphasis on language acquisition, cultural integration, and achieving economic independence. 

The WeR1 materials focus on motivating newly arrived people to learn the host language, by presenting them with themes with direct relevance to their lives and realities. These themes include; intercultural understanding, 21st century skills development, breaking negative social norms, and vocational language skills.

What is CLIL?

CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning, the method includes exploration of language, based on material directly related to a content-based subject. Both content and language are explored in a CLIL lesson. In the WeR1 project, we are transferring the ideas of teaching through CLIL from general and vocational education, to the teaching of vocationally oriented language to refugees and migrants.  

What is TBL?

TBL stands for Task Based Learning. In the WeR1 project, we place emphasis on the use of authentic language and on asking learners to complete meaningful and tasks, resembling real life situations, in the target language. Such tasks can include attending a job interview, making new friends, or solving vocationally specific tasks.  

More on TBL:

Current research shows that learners are more motivated to learn when they are active participants during class time. This can be achieved by setting tasks which require learners to work together to solve realistic problems and use the target language creatively.

  1. Who’s attention would we like to get?
    1. Teachers/educators 
  2. Their interests are:
    1. language teaching tips from our project 
    2. inspiration for their work 
    3. free resources (ie once the materials are published we can link to a lesson plan with a text like: check out this language lesson on how to change an oil filter)
    4. interesting facts about teaching the target groups (refugees and labour migrants)
    5. facts about the learners
    6. this could be of interest, an interactive map of where migrants come from and where in the EU they end up. https://migration.iom.int/europe?type=arrivals
  3. we want to highlight the positive effects of our methods and catch teachers’ attention through topics that interest them. Ie:
    1. Language barriers – hurdle to integration – work related language faster way to the labour market and economic independence
    2. effects of economic independence on integration
    3. not all our target groups teach refugees, we also cater to labour migrants (Czech rep.) so we need to not focus only on refugees, and more on migrants in general.
    4. faster language acquisition when using our methods and anything that we find out via our internal surveys. (the results for the pre-survey where we looked to find out what the needs of our end users were, can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B23kfVgB3hTWcXYtSHRLOGhnWDg
    5. Put more focus on topics relating to CLIL/TBL/communicative language teaching/results and content from IOs
      1. like interesting facts and knowledge
      2. language training has a positive impact on labour migrants – finding employment